Google's Sundar Pichai, head of both Android and Chrome, has verified that the next type of Android will be called KitKat. Yes, you've read rightly, KitKat, as in the trademarked title of the sweets candy bar made by Nestle (and permitted by Hershey in the US).  A splash page for the new operating system discloses that KitKat will be the codename for Android 4.4, not the long-rumored Android 5.0. The name holds the company's long-standing tradition of calling each version of its mobile operating scheme after desserts. To designated day, Google has internally mentioned to the issue as Key Lime Pie, but the business decided to proceed for another title after recognising that "very few persons really know the flavour of a key lime pie," controller of Android partnerships John Lagerling notifies the  BBC. Late last year, somebody suggested calling the upcoming version KitKat — evidently a very popular snack of Android coders — and the business "decided to come to out to the Nestle folks." Within 24 hours an agreement was made, though it's apparently "not a money-changing-hands kind of deal," according to Lagerling. 

Google states that "it's our goal with Android KitKat to make an astonishing Android know-how available for everybody." That's certainly a bit vague, but the statement does  line up with earlier rumors that proposed Google designs to use its next Android release in smart watches, gaming consoles, low-cost smartphones, and even laptops.
Pichai states in a Google+ mail that he's just returned from gathering with hardware partners in Asia, and he adds that there are now over 1 billion Android activations. He proceeds on to state that he "can’t wait to release the next type of the platform that is as sweet as the candy bar that’s one of our team’s favorites." To encourage the joint venture, a new Willy Wonka-style challenge offers purchasers of specially-marked KitKat packages a chance to win either a free Nexus 7 or a Google Play borrowing. If you're actually fortuitous, you might even get a KitKat bar in the form of an Android robot